Jo Ramsey

Other Books

About Me
Dark Portals
Dark Path
Dark Incarnation
Stories from Somerville
Work In Progress
Other Books

More books that are patiently waiting to be published...

Days of Iced Tea and Dead Carnations
      When Allison Brownlea is sent to live with her aunt and uncle at the beginning of her freshman year, she's afraid she'll have no friends. Then she meets Karen Turner and Jaspar Johannson. The three of them remain friends through thick, thin, and four years of high school.
Cluing In
      Jamey Mandel will do almost anything for his friends. But when his ex-girlfriend Tina comes to him about problems with her new boyfriend, Jamey refuses to listen. When Tina, unable to cope, commits suicide, Jamey blames himself.

Days was submitted to a publisher in mid-February; Cluing In was entered in a contest in March. Stay tuned for further developments!